Saturday, September 14, 2013

Golgari Wilds Continued


Channeling his inner Goku

        Welcome back to our journey through the Golgari Wilds.  Today we'll be discussing the non-creature options available to the black and green color spectrum.  Let's get right into showing our contenders

Give Green card draw?  Yes!
"Caller of Beats"
Abrupt Decay
Doom blade
Golgari Charm
Hero's downfall


Underworld Connections
Primeval Bounty


        These are our mainstream choices.  Each has seen competitive play, at some point.  Yes, even Primeval bounty has found a sideboard.  What benefits, do these cards offer Golgari Wilds?  We have to go back to the core concept in the last article to answer this inquiry.  Goglari wilds wants to play big and hard to remove threats, backed by flexible removal.  However, one key factor I should have added into a deck like this is the need for card draw.  This will supply the gas needed to keep dropping threats and have the removal when we require it.  So let's make some choices.

Instants:3                                      Sorcery:0                               Enchantments:5
Abrupt Decay x3                                                                        Underworld Connections x3
                                                                                                  Primeval bounty x2

Garruk, Caller of Beasts x3

        Hmm ok.  So all those options and we only end up with three actual removal spells, five enchantments and three Garruks.  Why this initial set up?  Remember we want  to pressure the opponent with our creatures!  Therefore, we want the green version of Sphinx's Revelation, Garruk, Caller of Beasts.  However, Garruk is quite a bit more narrow than Sphinx's Revelation as his first ability only hits creatures.  This means any deck with the Caller of Beasts has to build around his abilities.  Thankfully our colors supply wonderful creature targets.  But, this means our non-creature spell count has to be quite low in order to ensure value from our Garruks.

       What is the explanation for the rest of our choices?   Abrupt Decay kills problematic Boros Reckoners dead.  Underworld connections is a workhorse.  It let's us sift through the deck faster and continue playing threats.  Primeval Bounty is just plain value.  Similar to Garruk, it's a card we want to ramp into it early or mid-game and then pull value from its abilities.  Playing a late game elf and having it enter play with its own 3/3 beast token pet sure sounds pleasing to the ear.  Put plainly, Primeval Bounty rewards our deck for following its big creature game plan.

        Hope all you wonderful aggro players enjoyed your evening of Friday Night Magic.  Theros is just around the corner and we need to be ready, to pounce upon an unprepared and vulnerable meta game.  Sort of like....

Yep, a Cheetah

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